MADRIX Forum • MADRIX HARDWARE MANAGER - MADRIX Hardware devices are not being discovered
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MADRIX HARDWARE MANAGER - MADRIX Hardware devices are not being discovered

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:31 pm
by Schulze
MADRIX HARDWARE MANAGER - MADRIX Hardware devices are not being discovered

The MADRIX HARDWARE MANAGER is not able to discover devices, although a Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection has been established and the network settings seem to be correct.

Possible reasons for the issues:
- The devices are used in / connected to a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or a Wi-Fi network-
- The MADRIX HARDWARE MANAGER is using the Art-Net Poll / PollReply mechanism to discover devices. The required ArtPoll network packet needs to be sent in Broadcast mode, thus the router ultimatively needs to support Broadcast communication / traffic. This was not the case.

Possible solutions:
- If you want to use the MADRIX HARDWARE MANAGER in a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or a Wi-Fi network, please make sure to configure the router so it allows Broadcast communication and that it also allows devices to communicate with each other.